- Young Paper Award of SCIS'93, 1993.
- Notable Invention Award of the Science and Technology Agency, 1997.
- the IPSJ Sakai Special Researcher Award, 2002.
- the Standardization Contribution Award, 2003.
- Engineering Sciences Society: Certificate of Appreciation, 2005.
- AWARD for the contribution to CULTURE of SECURITY, 2007.
- the Director-General of Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau Award, 2007.
- Editorial Committee of Engineering Sciences Society: Certificate of Appreciation, 2007.
- IPSJ/ITSCJ Project Editor Award, 2007.
- IPSJ/ITSCJ Project Editor Award, 2008.
- DoCoMo Mobile Science Awards (2008)
- 2009 IPSJ/ITSCJ Project Editor Award
- 2010 IPSJ/ITSCJ Project Editor Award
- ADMA 2010 Best Paper Award
- The chief of air staff: Letter of Appreciation Award, 2010
- Engineering Sciences Society: Contribution Award 2012
- 2012 IPSJ/ITSCJ Project Editor Award
- Prizes for Science and Technology, Research Category, The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education,ソCulture, Sports, Science and Technology
- Japan Society for Software Science and Technology: Best Paper Award