- Hayato Arai
ISEC Research Encouragement Award
- commendation certificate
- Yasuhisa Okumura
ISEC Research Encouragement Award
- Tatsuta Yamatsuki
JNSA The Best Student Award
- Tatsuta Yamatsuki
PWS CUP Championship
- Hideaki Miyaji, Po-Chu Hs
Student Business Plan Contest prize awarded for a person's effort
- commendation certificate
- Atsuko Miyaji
Distinguished Educational Practitioners Award "Practical Information Security Education Based on Collaborative Learning among Undergraduates, Graduate-Students and Life-Long Learners"
- commendation certificate 1
- commendation certificate 2
- Atsuko Miyaji
IPSJ Fellow
- commendation certificate
- Yoshitaka Nagao
JNSA Student Awards
- Kenta Kodera, Atsuko Miyaji
Best Paper Award (WISA)
- Jin Yaoan and Atsuko Miyaji
Best Paper award(CSEC 2019-5)
- Katsunari Shishido and Atsuko Miyaji
Best Paper Award (AsiaJCIS 2019)
- Atsuko Miyaji
IPSJ/ITSCJ Project Editor Award (2018)
- Atsuko Miyaji
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Milestone Certificate
Certified as an IEICE Milestone for the achievement "International Standard Cryptography
Certificate number: A-43-1
- Research on secure and efficient elliptic curve cryptography
- Hiroshi Nomaguchi, Atsuko Miyaji and Chunhua Su
The 16th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications(TrustCom 2017)
- Daiki Michihiro
The Best Student Award (IPSJ)(2015)
- commendation certificate
- Shohei Nishida
Information Security Research Award for Young Scientists (IEICE)(2015)
- Ryoma Ito
The Best Award (SCIS2015, IEICE)
- Ryoma Ito
The Best Student Award (2015)
- commendation certificate
- Mohammad S.I. MAMUN
Dean's award for outstanding Ph.D student (2014)
- commendation certificate
- Mohammad S.I. MAMUN
The Best Student Award (2014)
- commendation certificate
- Atsuko Miyaji
- Prizes for Science and Technology, Research Category, The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
- Tomoaki Mimoto
The Best Student Award (2014)
- commendation certificate
- Ratemo Alice Harriet Mwango
The Best Student Award (2013)
- commendation certificate
- Xiaonan Shi
The Best Student Award (IPSJ)(2013)
- commendation certificate
- Atsuko Miyaji
Engineering Sciences Society: Contribution Award (2012)
- Atsuko Miyaji
IPSJ/ITSCJ Project Editor Award (2012)
- Jiageng CHEN
The Best Student Award (2012)
- Mohammad S. RAHMAN
The Best Student Award (2012)
- Kazuya Izawa
The Best Student Award (CSS) (2011)
- commendation certificate
- Atsuko Miyaji
IPSJ/ITSCJ Project Editor Award (2010)
- Takashi SATO
The Best Student Award (JAIST) (2010)
- Atsuko Miyaji
The chief of air staff: Letter of Appreciation Award (2010)
- Keita Emura, Atsuko Miyaji, Mohammad Shahriar Rahman
The Best Paper Award (The 6th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications- ADMA) (2010)
- commendation certificate
- Atsuko Miyaji
IPSJ/ITSCJ Project Editor Award (2009)
- Masahiro SUKEGAWA
The Best Student Award (JAIST) (2008)
- commendation certificate
- Shojiro HIRASAWA
Yamashita Award(IPS) (2008)
- photo - commendation certificate
- Mohammad Shahriar RAHMAN
The Best Student Award (IEICE Hokuriku branch) (2008)
- photo - commendation certificate
- Atsuko Miyaji
DoCoMo Mobile Science Awards (2008)
- Atsuko Miyaji
IPSJ/ITSCJ Project Editor Award (2008)
- Yuta IMAYA
The Best Student Award (JAIST) (2007)
- photo
- Atsuko Miyaji
Engineering Sciences Society: Certificate of Appreciation (2007)
- Atsuko Miyaji
the Director-General of Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau Award (2007)
- Atsuko Miyaji
AWARD for the contribution to CULTURE of SECURITY (2007)
- Atsuko Miyaji
IPSJ/ITSCJ Project Editor Award (2007)
- Hideki Takemoto
The Best Student Award (CSS) (2006)
-photo - commendation certificate
- Atsuko Miyaji
Engineering Sciences Society: Certificate of Appreciation (2005)
- Tomohiko HINOUE
The Best Student Award (JAIST) (2005)
- Hideyo MAMIYA
The Best Student Award (JAIST) (2004)
- Yuuki Takano
Yamashita Award(IPS) (2004)
- Fumiaki KANAZAWA
The Best Student Award (IEICE Hokuriku branch) (2004)
- Hiroaki Morimoto
The Best Student Award (JAIST) (2003)
- Takashi Matsunaka
The Best Student Award (IPSJ IEICE Hokuriku branch) (2003)
- Atsuko Miyaji
The Contribution for Standardization Award (ITSCJ, IPSJ) (2003)
- Norihisa Isogai
The Best Student Award (JAIST) (2002)
- Atsuko Miyaji
Sakai Special Researcher Award (IPSJ)
- Masao Nonaka
The Best Student Award (IPSJ Hokuriku branch) (2001)
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- Yoshinori Takii
The Best Award (SCIS2001, IEICE) (2000)
- Kazamasa Omote
The Best Student Award (CSS) (2001)
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- Yoshinori Takii
The Best Student Award (JAIST) (2000)
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- Shigeki Kitazawa
The Best Student Award(JAIST) (2000)
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- Hiroshi Minato
The Best Student Award(IEICE Hokuriku branch) (2000)
- photo
- Takeshi Okamoto
Yamashita Award(IPS) (2000)
- Shunzo Takano
The Best Student Award(IEICE Hokuriku branch) (1999)