Patents List

ID Proposal Number Appication Number Appication Date The name of Invention
106-01764 - 2005-173569 2005.6.14 Encryption Schemes, Systems, and Programs for Privacy Protection
AM-0000007 50401549905 2004-265079 2004.9.13 exponential device
106-01762 - 2003-402521 2003.12.02 Digital Contens Management System, Digital Contents Management Method, and Program
AM-0000006 20200920229 2002-183644 2002.5.18 Tamper Resistance Method and Device
AM-0000005 50100416389 2001-84703 2001.3.2 An Alternative Encryption System
AM-0000004 20001450272 2000-264656 2000.7.27 Anonymous Digital Bid System
AM-0000003 20001430190 2000-259945 2000.7.26 Multi-Signature Generation Device
AM-0000002 20001300186 2000-243434 2000.7.6 Elliptic Curve Generation Device
AM-0000001 20000580243 2000-126692 2000.3.23 Integrated Device

Cryptographic Technology Proposal

Cryptographic Technology
