Health testbed group
Main member
Katsuya Tanaka | Main research collaborator, Lecturer, University of Tokyo |
Ryuichi Yamamoto | Administrative director, Medical Information System Development Center |
Kazuhiko Ohe | Professor, University of Tokyo |
Soichi Koike | Project Professor, University of Tokyo |
Mayu Yoshida | University of Tokyo |
1.Establish secure ID linkage technique
Establish and apply IHE PIX/PDQ based secure ID linkage technique, and evaluate the efficiency and feasibility.
2.Test bed for health big data
Making databases of dummy data of clinical data gathered with SS-MIX2 format, insurance claim data, and precise data set for DPC/PDPS (Diagnosis Procedure Combination / Per-Diem Payment System) for evaluating secure data management tools and data mining tools developed by security techniques study group with random swapping and other methods and evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of these tools. Establish the data model for various sensor data useful for healthcare, and evaluating secure collecting tools and privacy preserving data mining tools.